Greater Shepparton City Council voted on a way forward to progress the land sale and development of GV Link, at 250 Toolamba Road, Mooroopna, at the November Council Meeting on Tuesday.

The development of industrial land at GV Link has been a long held strategic goal of Council and is highlighted as a key community and economic directive in both the 2021-2025 Council Plan and Shepparton and Mooroopna 2050 Regional Growth Plan.
While there has been varied levels of interest to establish operations on the site over the years, the lack of services and infrastructure has always been a deterrent to potential investors.
To address the infrastructure issue, Council is seeking assistance from the Australian Government to contribute to the provision of enabling infrastructure including road upgrades and gateway treatments, as well as underground infrastructure.
Provision of this infrastructure to GV Link will facilitate the initial development of Stage 1 providing a new source of development ready industrial land. This will positively respond to a current shortage of industrial land, as highlighted in recent industrial land supply and demand assessments.
The provision of enabling infrastructure elements to the site is also prompting renewed investor interest, with Council currently negotiating with several separate parties regarding the sale of land at GV Link.
It is crucial Council capitalise on this interest as any development at GV Link can act as a catalyst to attract more businesses and industries to the site. This, in turn, has the potential to stimulate economic activity and generate significant employment opportunities for Greater Shepparton and the broader region.
Mayor, Councillor Shane Sali, said Council is eager to get the next steps underway for GV Link, with the project beginning with the development of Stage 1 comprising of 40 hectares which will provide four serviced lots. He said Council will now work to progress the infrastructure at the site, including road access to enable the future sale of these lots.
"The recommendation approved at the Council Meeting provides a way forward to progress the sale of land at the site and to see the precinct come to life. The sale of land and development of industrial operations at GV Link is a long held strategic aim of Council, and investor interest in the site is at an all-time high," Cr Sali said.
"Council know that there is a shortage of large plots of land for industry, logistics and manufacturing which have transport connections to major international and interstate freight gateways. GV Link is the answer to this and it is right here in our region."
Council will now undertake community consultation on the intent to sell the land within Stage 1. Following the completion of this consultation process, any submissions received will be considered by Council at a future scheduled Council Meeting.