Next Steps For Proposed Amendment For Industrial Land

Council last night agreed to request the Minister for Planning to appoint an independent panel to consider submissions received for Planning Scheme Amendment C282gben, which affects all industrial land across Greater Bendigo.

The proposed amendment seeks to provide a clearer policy for all industrial-zoned land, land identified for the proposed Bendigo Regional Employment Precinct.

Amendment C282gben proposes to partially implement the Greater Bendigo Industrial Land Development Strategy 2024 (GBILDS) by making the following changes:

  • Rezoning 1029 Calder Highway, Maiden Gully from Industrial 1 Zone to Public Conservation and Resource Zone
  • Introducing the draft Greater Bendigo Industrial Development Guidelines to replace the Good Design for Industry 1997
  • Making changes to the Municipal Planning Strategy, Planning Policy Framework and Operational Provisions of the Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme

Mayor Cr Andrea Metcalf said the proposed amendment responded to strong continued demand for larger scale industrial land.

"The region needs to ensure an adequate pipeline of suitably located and adequately sized industrial land to meet long term needs of industry," Cr Metcalf said.

"This is not only about trying to attract new industry to Greater Bendigo but to retain the many businesses already here that provide local jobs and are looking to expand into the future.

"Several changes are included in the proposed Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme Amendment to give effect to the strategy and the guidelines."

The Amendment was publicly exhibited for five weeks from October 31 to December 5, 2024.

Thirteen submissions were received from landowners, consultants and referral authorities. Seven submissions supported or requested no changes to the amendment. Six submissions, although largely in support of the principle of the amendment, requested changes. These will be reviewed by the independent panel.

Council last night agreed to refer submissions to an independent panel appointed by the Minister for Planning. There will be a further report to Council once the Planning Panel report has been received.

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