National Film Board
The National Film Board of Canada will be well represented at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival (June 8-14) with a diverse selection of works, including the eagerly awaited return of filmmakers Chris Lavis and Maciek Szczerbowski. Three NFB shorts are featured in this year's prestigious official competition:
- The Girl Who Cried Pearls (La jeune fille qui pleurait des perles) by Chris Lavis and Maciek Szczerbowski (Madam Tutli-Putli, 2007; GYMNASIA, 2019);
- Bread Will Walk by Alex Boya (Turbine, 2018); and
- Hairy Legs (Poil aux jambes) by Andrea Dorfman (How to Be at Home, 2020; The Girls of Meru, 2018; Big Mouth, 2012; Flawed, 2010).
Quick Facts
Short Films - Official Competition
The Girl Who Cried Pearls (La jeune fille qui pleurait des perles) by Chris Lavis and Maciek Szczerbowski (16 min)
An NFB production (Julie Roy, Marc Bertrand and Christine Noël)
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