NFF Backs WA Farmers as Perth Convoy Begins

Comments attributable to NFF President, David Jochinke

The NFF stands in full support of WA farmers, shearers, truckies and rural and regional communities today, as they convoy through Perth for the second time to protest the Australian Government's destructive decision to ban live sheep exports by sea.

It was June last year that the ban was passed by the Australian Parliament, and industry remains united in calls for all politicians to listen to reason and overturn the ban.

The ban puts livelihoods on the line, threatens regional jobs and ignores the generations of hard work that have gone into Australia's world-leading animal welfare standards.

NFF has said it time and time again, this ban will hurt our farmers, our rural and regional communities, and our economy.

Today, with a federal election looming on the horizon, this is a final warning from the WA agricultural community; they refuse to be used as a political trading card.

The NFF will continue to call for the ban on live sheep exports to be repealed, an integral part of our federal election platform to secure Australia's farming future.

Note: The convoy begins at 7.30am AWST.

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