Ballina Shire Council wishes to advise that one lane of Tamarind Drive (across Canal Bridge) will be temporarily closed overnight on Friday 10 May and Saturday 11 May 2024.
This closure is part of Council's ongoing project to duplicate Canal Bridge on Tamarind Drive and will allow Council's contractor to complete geotechnical investigations to inform the bridge design.
These essential works are scheduled overnight to reduce traffic disruptions. Work will commence at 6pm each night and continue through to 5am the following morning. The works will include two drilling rigs operating in the roadway.
Traffic will be contra flowed in both directions with the use of temporary traffic lights. Access to Ballina CBD and the M1 will be maintained, but please anticipate delays.
To reduce noise impacts on nearby properties, works closest to residents will commence early in the evening.
If further investigation works are required a third night of works will be completed on Saturday 18 May 2024.
Traffic control and signage will be in place to notify motorists of traffic changes. Council thanks residents for their patience and understanding during these works.
For more information visit