With significant interest in the goat industry at present, there has been an increase in enquiry around the NLIS requirements for rangeland goats.

There is a tagging exemption in place for unmanaged rangeland goats that are being moved from the property on which they were captured to an abattoir for slaughter, either directly or via a goat depot.
The exemption recognises the difficulties associated with handling unmanaged or wild harvest goats and determining their property of birth.
The questions that are often asked are in regard to unmanaged vs managed goats. Rangeland goats that are being managed do not qualify for the exemption and need to be tagged prior to movement or sale.
Goats are no longer considered unmanaged or wild if they are:
- captured goats that have been marked, ear marked, tagged, joined or treated with any veterinary medicine, drench or other chemical
- domestic goats that have been bred in captivity and subsequently escaped or released.
Movement of all goats, regardless of whether they are managed or unmanaged, must be accompanied by an approved movement document and transferred on the NLIS database.