No Budget To Feed Future

Farmers must not be left without the funding needed to put Aussie grown food on tables, NSW Farmers has warned as the Albanese Government delivers its latest federal budget.

Poor infrastructure, telecommunications and biosecurity are just some of the challenges farmers will be left to face alone if federal funding is not increased, NSW Farmers President Xavier Martin said.

"Billions have been promised to fix roads and rail in the cities, but we don't know whether there will be any allocated to fix the roads, railways and bridges that are falling apart throughout the bush," Mr Martin said.

"Meanwhile, our telecommunications are in ruin and farmers are fighting a losing battle against a growing number of biosecurity threats.

"Promises to upgrade the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness and deliver $11 million to fight pests, weeds and feral animals are only a drop in the ocean, and we need much more funding to deliver a serious biosecurity regime that will defend our industry and assure our food security into the future."

Funding commitments to keep Rex Airlines afloat and regional bank branches open had come as welcome news for farmers, alongside commitments to drive competition reform, create a National Food Security Strategy and deliver cost of living relief for communities Australia wide.

However, Mr Martin warned more targeted investment in regional, remote and rural communities would be essential to ensure farmers could keep growing the Aussie food and fibre the nation needs.

"Investing in farming communities drives productivity and will deliver food security - and there's no better investment you can make than that," Mr Martin said.

"Our government keeps talking about a future made in Australia, but how about a future grown in Australia?"

"As we head to the polls, our politicians can't forget the fact that people need fresh, Aussie grown food at fair prices.

"More than ever before, we need to keep our farmers farming."

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