At the Council meeting on Monday 6 May, we adopted the amended Regulatory Fine Review Policy. While not much has changed, except for some minor terminology and process adjustments, we're using this is an excuse to remind everyone that there are no fines for overdue library books.
However, if you do have a long overdue library book gathering dust on your bookshelf, you won't be able to borrow or renew items until you bring the book back.
Wollongong City Council Manager Libraries + Community Facilities, Sarah Taylor said that this was a good reminder for those feeling a little awkward about the thought of returning a long overdue library item.
"At the end of the day, we just want our library books and other items to come back so that we can lend them again to someone new," Ms Taylor said.
"If you've forgotten to return a library book, or another library item such as a DVD, CD, or audiobook, this is your gentle reminder that now's the time to return it to your local library. You can return library items to any of our seven library locations, from Helensburgh in the north and Dapto in the south.
"All of our libraries also have after-hours return chutes, so you don't even need to come into the library to drop off your overdue item."
Library after-hours chutes remain open 24/7 every day of the year, except for public holidays.
For more library information, visit the Wollongong City Libraries website or download the Wollongong City Libraries App.