No Preferred Applicant For General Manager Position

Goulburn Mulwaree Council

Marina Hollands Official Landscape.jpg

Following interviews for the position of General Manager for Goulburn Mulwaree Council, the recruitment process has not resulted in the selection of a preferred applicant.

"While we had strong interest in the role, the Council believes that further steps need to be taken to ensure we appoint a candidate who best aligns with the needs and aspirations of our community. As such, the decision has been made to re-advertise the position to attract further suitable applicants." Said Goulburn Mulwaree Council Mayor Nina Dillon.

"In the meantime, Marina Hollands will continue to act in the role of Chief Executive Officer, providing stability and leadership to the team.

Council is committed to ensuring we appoint the right person for this important position, someone who will support the ongoing growth and development of the Goulburn Mulwaree region. We appreciate the understanding and support of the community during this process.

We are confident that with current Council leadership, the Council will continue to operate smoothly and deliver quality services to our residents while we work to finalise the appointment of a permanent General Manager." Mayor Dillon continued.

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