No Speed Reading After ABF Detection

The Australian Border Force (ABF) has intercepted three consignments in Western Australia, containing 696 grams of methamphetamine.

Officers in air cargo identified three packages, addressed to three different individuals in High Wycombe, Alexander Heights and Kewdale but all had the same listed phone number.

X-rays of the packages showed inconsistencies, and when further examined contained bundled documents, which weighed more than expected.

Officers located thin packages hidden between two glued pages, containing a white substance which tested positive for methamphetamine.

ABF Superintendent James Payne said if sold, this amount of methamphetamine could be worth up to $643,800 in almost 7,000 individual street deals.

"Criminals can be quite creative in their attempts to avoid detection, but our officers are alert to any signs that an import might be more than it first appears," Superintendent Payne said.

Investigations remain ongoing.

Anyone with information about suspicious activity which may impact the security of Australia's borders is urged to report to Border Watch online. By reporting suspicious activities, you help protect Australia's border and the community.


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