Nominate For Local Heritage Awards


Be part of the Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council Local Heritage Awards in April and May this year.

'The Local Heritage Awards are the perfect opportunity for residents to show their appreciation for the incredible heritage buildings and gardens in our community,' said Mayor, Kenrick Winchester.

'The dedication of locals who go out of their way to preserve and share the history of our region deserves to be celebrated.'

'This is your chance to make sure your neighbour, colleague, or someone you've never met has their hard work recognised.'

This year we have three award categories. Nominate for:

  • Best maintained Heritage property
  • Best restoration, development or re use of a Heritage property
  • Historical research, publication, or promotion of Local Heritage

These awards are a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the amazing people who diligently preserve our local history.

'Heritage is part of our personal and community identity, helping us to understand and convey the stories which define and unite us as a community.' said Amy Jarvis, Council's Heritage Advisor.

'By identifying, protecting, managing and celebrating our heritage we are ensuring it is enjoyed by future generations.'

You can nominate a Heritage property or publication for an award until 7 April 2025.

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