Nominate Volunteer

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Do you know someone who goes above and beyond to support our community? Now is the time to show your appreciation by nominating them for recognition at the annual Volunteer High Tea and Awards Ceremony.

Nominations are open until April 27, giving community members ample time to put forward the names of those who make a difference through their selfless contributions.

This year's categories include Community, Cultural, Environment, Event, Health and Social Services, Manager/Supervisor, Tourism, Sporting, Youth, Emergency Services and People's Choice

Mayor Tom Kennedy said the invaluable role volunteers play in the city could not be overstated.

"Our community thrives because of the dedication of volunteers who give their time and energy to support various organisations and causes," said Mayor Kennedy.

"Recognising their efforts is essential, and this awards ceremony is a wonderful way to express our gratitude.

"If you know someone who deserves to be celebrated, please take the time to nominate them — every contribution matters, and we don't want any unsung heroes.

"The nomination process is straightforward, and assistance is available from Council if needed."

For more details or to submit a nomination, visit or contact Council's Community Development team at 8080 3321 or [email protected].

The Volunteer High Tea and Awards Ceremony will take place at 4pm on 5 June at the Broken Hill Civic Centre.

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