Greater Shepparton City Council is calling for nominations from local residents for the Greater Shepparton Disability Advisory Committee (DAC).

The committee aims to form a strong link between Council and people living with disabilities, carers, family members, advocates and service providers within the Greater Shepparton region.
The DAC provides advice and assistance to Council on incorporating key priorities as outlined in the Universal Access and Inclusion Plan and consists of representatives from a broad range of backgrounds. There are up to nine community representative positions and up to three local industry service provider positions available on the committee, as well as a nominated Councillor. A Council officer will also provide administration support.
Mayor, Councillor Kim O'Keeffe said the committee was a wonderful opportunity to make a positive change and ensure that our region and Council were inclusive to everyone within the community.
"Committee input is valued and will provide Council with additional insights into the requirements we need to make a difference, as well as provide support to people with disabilities, family members, carers and service providers," she said.
"The committee meets bi-monthly from February to December, and members can serve on the Committee for up to three years. The contributions that have been received over the years from previous members have assisted in shaping how Council moves forward.
"I sincerely hope that previous committee members will be interested in continuing their contributions."
Nominations for appointment to the committee will be received until 5.00pm Friday 18 March 2022.
Nomination forms and more information are available on Council's website or Council offices, 90 Welsford Street Shepparton. Verbal expressions of interest can also be made by contacting Council's Access and Inclusion Officer on (03) 5832 9700.