Nominations Open For 2025 Australian Training Awards

The Hon Andrew Giles MP
Minister for Skills and Training

Our nation's best and brightest in the skills and training sector will once again be celebrated at the 2025 Australian Training Awards.

Nominations are now open for individuals and organisations that epitomise excellence in the vocational education and training (VET) sector.

All of Australia benefits from the hard work and dedication of VET students, trainees, apprentices, teachers, trainers, providers, employers and advocates, so it is only fitting that their achievements are celebrated through these awards.

The 2025 awards will honour accomplishments across 16 categories, including through five direct entry categories.

The five direct entry categories are for:

  • Outstanding Achievement in the VET and Skills Sector
  • Australian Apprenticeships Employer
  • Innovation in VET
  • School Pathways to VET
  • Excellence in Language, Literacy and Numeracy Practice.

Finalists are invited to join the Australian VET Alumni. The alumni represents a network dedicated to showcasing the value of VET through the stories of its graduates.

The Albanese Government is backing in our VET sector by investing $30 billion over 5 years with the states and territories through the National Skills Agreement and legislation to make Free TAFE permanent.

There have been around 600,000 enrolments in Free TAFE since it began in January 2023 and more Australians are enrolling and completing their courses every day.

Nominations for the 2025 Australian Training Awards close on 31 May 2025. Winners will be announced at the gala event in Darwin later this year.

To submit a nomination for this year's awards, visit the Australian Training Awards website.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Skills and Training, Andrew Giles:

"Australia's Vocational Education and Training sector contributes so much to our nation, so it is only fitting we recognise the successes of industry.

"Education changes lives and it was a privilege to attend last year's event in Canberra and welcome the next generation of Australian VET Alumni, as well as honour the late Professor Peter Noonan for all he contributed to the VET landscape.

"They are all examples of the fantastic opportunities the sector can provide and by sharing their stories they encourage others to embark on great VET careers.

"I am calling on everyone in the sector, whether you are an apprentice, trainer, employee or advocate to participate in this great celebration."

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