North Central Ground Release to create jobs for Victorians

The long awaited announcement of the successful tenderers of Victoria's North Central Ground Release marks a major new step in the renaissance of Victorian's gold industry.

With gold exploration at record highs, Victoria will reap the benefits of exploration in the form of jobs it will bring to Central Victoria and support for local business from exploration investment.

Minerals exploration and mining create more diverse regional economies and offer more job and training options for young regional people.

Central Victorian explorers and mines employ over 1,000 people in Central Victoria paying $115 million in wages annually in the region.

More than 590 local businesses are supported by local mines and explorers with $48 million spent on local suppliers last year.

MCA Victoria is proud to promote best practice in Victorian exploration and mining by supporting community information and the industry to meet the highest community enjoyment and environmental standards.

The tender process includes a special licence condition on indigenous engagement, and raises the bar on community consultation as part of the competitive tender process.

Victoria's minerals industry is working with local communities to support land access negotiations through the MCA/VFF Land Access Guide, and to provide information though the MCA exploration video.

The four blocks stretching from Fosterville east of Bendigo and north to Lockington sit in a highly prospective area.

Australia's third largest mine by production with the richest gold grade in the world in 2020, the Fosterville Gold Mine, is located adjacent to the area.

New discoveries could lead to the development of new mines in the future, subject to environmental and community requirements.


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