North Coast Line Reopens After Queensland Flooding

  • Queensland Rail has reopened the North Coast line between Townsville and Cairns today (Saturday 1 March) following completion of repairs to major damage caused by flooding.
  • The section between Townsville and Cairns has been closed for a month.
  • Freight and passenger services will recommence between Brisbane and Cairns with all road users reminded to take care around level crossings.

Queensland Rail's vital freight and passenger link to the north - the North Coast line - has reopened in its entirety today (Saturday 1 March) following significant flooding that caused major damage between Townsville and Cairns.

Queensland Rail crews have been working tirelessly to complete repairs to 164 sites on the North Coast line that were impacted by severe weather.

There was nearly seven kilometres of damage to the railway track with major washouts and scouring requiring culvert repairs, bridge rebuilds, resurfacing works and new formation poured in several locations.

The Central West line between Longreach and Winton has also reopened.

With the resumption of rail traffic, road users and the local community are reminded to take extra care around level crossings.

As stated by Queensland Rail Head of Regional Scott Cornish:

"The North Coast line runs the length of coastal Queensland and spans 1,600 track kilometres so inspecting and repairing so much track and damage has been a mammoth job.

"Safety is our number one priority and we are reminding road users to take care around level crossings now that trains are passing through once again.

"Please look out for trains and pay attention to the signs and signals in place for everyone's safety.

"We know how important this vital link is in connecting our communities and I want to thank our hard-working crews who have done an incredible job.

"We are so pleased that containerised freight, sugar, grain and livestock, as well as our Spirit of Queensland services, can run again from Brisbane to Cairns.

"Queensland Rail continues to invest heavily in our rail lines and when we undertake renewal and maintenance works, we are always focussed on increasing the resilience of the network."

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