Northern New Brunswick Communities Form Energy Alliance

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

By reducing their carbon footprint, Atlantic Canadian communities can improve efficiencies, lower costs and build a more sustainable, resilient future for residents. The governments of Canada and New Brunswick are investing to help the Restigouche Regional Service Commission (RSC) advance its goals of creating an energy alliance for northern New Brunswick.

Today, René Arseneault, Member of Parliament for Madawaska-Restigouche, announced a non-repayable contribution of $375,000 through the Canada Coal Transition Initiative (CCTI) - Infrastructure Fund to help the Restigouche RSC develop a plan that will help bring investment in renewable energy production projects to northern communities. The announcement was made on behalf of the Honourable Gudie Hutchings, Minister of Rural Economic Development and Minister responsible for ACOA.

The Province of New Brunswick is also investing $75,000 in the project through the Regional Development Corporation.

With this support, the Restigouche RSC will work with the Acadian Peninsula RSC, Oinpegitjoig (Pabineau) First Nation, and Ugpi'Ganjig (Eel River Bar) First Nation, to develop a corporate structure that can invest in renewable energy production projects and represent the collective interests of these northeastern and First Nations communities.

Today's announcement highlights how the Government of Canada is contributing to Atlantic Canada's momentum by strengthening our communities, creating new opportunities, and setting the stage for a strong, sustainable future.

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