Read the latest edition of Noticeboard for all the latest Council news and updates.
Mayor's Message
Next week marks National Volunteers Week (15 - 21 May), where we will join thousands of groups and organisations recognising the contribution volunteers make across Australia.
This year's theme is 'The Change Makers' which encourages people to be the change that they want to see and get involved in volunteering in whatever way works for them.
The contribution of volunteers is significant and the impact volunteers have wide reaching.
During National Volunteers Week we are celebrating the efforts of our valued volunteers and all they contribute to our local communities. The work volunteers do has never been more important.
Next week we will be celebrating Council's volunteers as we gather together and also recognising volunteers more broadly across our community.
We are also looking forward to our huge Volunteer Connections Event on 27 May at Gippsland Performing Arts Centre from 9.00am to 1.00pm for those interested in learning
more about local volunteering opportunities.
Volunteering is clearly close to the hearts of many in our community.
The work undertaken by volunteers is essential.
Thank you to everyone for their efforts and dedication. Volunteering brings people together; it builds communities and creates a better place for everyone to be a part of.
Cr Kellie O'Callaghan
Mayor of Latrobe City Council
Rates Instalment Payment Due
If you have elected to pay your 2022-23 rates and charges by instalments, the fourth instalment is due by 31 May 2023.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties and will be unable to make a payment by the due date please contact our rates team on 1300 367 700 to discuss an alternative payment arrangement.
Accounts that are unpaid by the due date will incur interest charges.
Have Your Say Latrobe City
It's now easier than ever to share your feedback on Council projects with our Have Your Say website!
This is your opportunity to share your thoughts on projects and initiatives that are important to you.
You can take a look and register to be notified of projects that are of interest to you at
Look no Further for Mothers Day
Spoil mum this Mother's Day with the Latrobe City Gift Card - the gift that keeps on giving.
The Latrobe City Gift Card is a pre-purchased EFTPOS voucher that can be spent at over 150 local stores, keeping money in your community.
You can choose any value between $10 and $500, with a three year expiry date. Shop Local for that perfect gift.