NRMA Insurance and the South Australian State Emergency Service partner to build more resilient communities
The SASES has announced NRMA Insurance as its first Principal Partner

The South Australian State Emergency Service (SASES) has announced NRMA Insurance as its first Principal Partner to help amplify its community preparedness programs in the face of more frequent and severe weather events.
Our partnership with NRMA Insurance is a significant milestone for the SASES that will enable us to amplify localised and targeted community preparedness programs in high-risk areas.Chris Beattie
SASES Chief Officer
"The climate is changing so severe weather events such as floods and storms are increasing in frequency and severity, resulting in more requests for assistance to the SASES. In the first two weeks of winter alone we have received more than 750 calls for assistance, with the vast majority directly weather related.
"We are the first to respond when extreme weather strikes but it's just as important for us to raise awareness of the risks South Australians face so they can be better prepared for these events before they happen," continued Mr Beattie.
Since July 2021, the SASES responded to more than 10,000 requests for help, an increase of 60% compared to the previous financial year.
New data from NRMA Insurance shows South Australians rank amongst the lowest in the nation when it comes to preparedness and levels of concern about severe weather.
The latest edition of the NRMA Insurance Wild Weather Tracker revealed 47% of South Australians do not feel prepared if severe weather hits their suburb and only 24% of South Australians took steps to prepare for wild weather last season.
The SASES advises lack of preparedness towards storm and flood risk is placing South Australians at greater risk of home and property damage, or worse, putting their safety in danger.
We're proud to support the amazing work that the SASES and its volunteers do to keep our communities safe.Julie Batch
NRMA Insurance Group Executive
"As an insurer, we play a critical role when it comes to supporting our customers following a disaster, but like the SASES we know that helping communities be better prepared for severe weather has a real impact when it comes to safety and reducing damage.
"We can make a bigger difference when we work together so we are looking forward to collaborating with the SASES to develop tangible programs that will help South Australians understand the risks they face and help them prepare for, and respond, to severe weather events," continued Ms Batch.
NRMA Insurance has a long history of working with partners to help build more resilient communities including the Australian Red Cross, GIVIT and a decade-long partnership with the NSW SES.