NRMA Insurance Launches Pop-Up Claims Centers

NRMA Insurance to open pop up claims centres to help customers affected by Ex Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Customer encouraged to visit Ex Tropical Cyclone Alfred community recovery hubs and pop up claims centres for rapid lodgement of claims.

NRMA Insurance Help recovery vehicle at Bunnings Robina

NRMA Insurance will open pop-up claims centres tomorrow within Bunnings carparks in Robina and Oxenford in South East Queensland, and Tweed Heads in Northern NSW to help make it easier for customers to rapidly lodge claims relating to Ex Tropical Cyclone Alfred.

This is in addition to NRMA Insurance's presence at temporary Ex Tropical Cyclone Alfred Community Recovery Hubs located at Thornlands Dance Palais Hall, Nerang Bicentennial Community Centre and Burleigh Waters Community Centre, operational from today.

NRMA Insurance CEO Julie Batch said: "We are grateful for the support of Bunnings, enabling us to open temporary claims centres in carparks located in key areas impacted by Ex Tropical Cyclone Alfred.

We want to make it as easy as possible for customers to lodge claims, and we anticipate many community members are likely to visit Bunnings over coming days to get supplies to enable them to commence clean ups around their properties.

Julie Batch

NRMA Insurance CEO

NRMA Insurance assessor in Warner, QLD Image 1 of 3
NRMA Insurance assessor in Warner, QLD Image 2 of 3
NRMA Insurance vehicles in Warner, QLD Image 3 of 3

"We encourage our customers to visit us at these Bunnings locations or Community Recovery Hubs. Customers do not need to bring anything with them, and we have personnel there who are ready to help with their claims lodgement."

Claims across all IAG brands can be lodged at these locations, including NRMA Insurance, CGU, WFI Insurance and ROLLiN'. Claims can also be lodged online or over the phone via:

IAG has received just over 2500 claims as of 7am Tuesday 11 March, with around 80% of claims from NRMA Insurance customers. The majority of claims relate to damage caused by extreme wind, fallen trees and rain ingress.

Ms Batch said: "I encourage customers to lodge their claims as quickly as possible so we can provide immediate support, including temporary accommodation and emergency financial assistance."

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