NRMA Rushes Aid for Ex-Cyclone Alfred Victims

NRMA Insurance provides immediate assistance for customers impacted by Ex Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Communities advised to prioritise safety and lodge claims for urgent assistance

NRMA Insurance Executive Manager Scott Lindsay on the ground in Nerang, QLD

With the effects of Ex Tropical Cyclone Alfred still unfolding NRMA Insurance is encouraging community members to continue to prioritise safety with the impact being felt across South East Queensland and Northern NSW.

NRMA Insurance's parent company IAG has received 960 claims as of 7am Monday 10 March, with the majority of claims from NRMA Insurance customers for damage caused by extreme wind, fallen trees and heavy rain. The insurer is encouraging impacted customers to lodge their claim as soon as possible so immediate support can be provided, including temporary accommodation and emergency financial assistance.

NRMA Insurance Executive General Manager Claims Luke Gallagher said: "It's heartbreaking to see the devastation already caused by Ex Tropical Cyclone Alfred across South East Queensland and Northern NSW. Our assessors and repairers have been on the ground conducting emergency repairs over the weekend across impacted regions to help our customers who have experienced significant damage. On Sunday, we conducted two large scale tree removals from our customers' homes with more scheduled today.

NRMA Insurance assessor in the Northern Rivers
NRMA Insurance assessor in the Northern Rivers
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Safety must remain the top priority. If you had to leave your property, please only return when the emergency services have declared it is safe to do so. Once you have the go ahead to return home we recommend taking pictures or videos of the damage.

Luke Gallagher

NRMA Insurance Executive General Manager Claims

NRMA Insurance make-safe tarp in Nerang, QLD
NRMA Insurance assessor in Nerang
NRMA Insurance assessor in Nerang
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NRMA Insurance is also urging residents to be cautious of "disaster chasers" seeking to take advantage of impacted residents.

In past extreme weather events, disaster chasers have been known to approach people impacted by severe weather events claiming to be acting on behalf of an insurer, offering quick clean-ups, inspections and repairs. They will often insist homeowners sign contracts and make an upfront cash payment.

Mr Gallagher said: "It is appalling that disaster chasers take advantage of people during this time of vulnerability, but it does happen. Watch out for any tradesperson, assessor or builder that has approached you before you have lodged a claim, or if they ask you to pay your excess or other money to them directly.

"Please call your insurer who can provide immediate support and arrange the assessment of the repairs required for your property, temporary accommodation and emergency financial assistance."

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