NSW Allocates $200K to Boost Homeless Health Services

​The Minns Labor Government has announced $200,000 in funding to support the expansion of healthcare services for people who are experiencing homelessness.

The investment will support charity Street Side Medics whose mission is to improve access to primary healthcare for homeless communities in Australia.

The one-off grant will fund the organisation to provide health-related services to people experiencing homelessness and continue to expand their service within the Illawarra Shoalhaven and Hunter New England regions.

Through their mobile medical vans, which includes an RACGP accredited general practitioner, the team reaches the homeless community across multiple locations in NSW to break down the barriers to the homeless accessing primary health care.

Each van has the necessary equipment to provide primary healthcare services to the standard of a normal general practice. This includes health examinations, diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions, producing and implementing health care plans, immunisations, pathology services, nutritional advice, minor surgical procedures and referrals to other appropriate pro-bono medical subspecialities.

Street Side Medics was first launched in Australia in August 2020 by Dr Daniel Nour. For his work Dr Nour was recognised as the Young Australian of the Year in 2022.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health, Ryan Park:

"I've had the pleasure to see firsthand the incredible work that Dr Daniel Nour and his team of volunteers do in providing healthcare to some of the most vulnerable members of the community.

"These dedicated volunteers give up their time to ensure people sleeping rough, those without stable accommodation and individuals who are struggling to make ends meet can still access high quality healthcare provided through clinicians, nurses and other health professionals free of charge in a safe and supportive environment.

"Street Side Medics are ensuring that these vulnerable people have an opportunity to get treatment and advice to help them manage both acute and chronic health issues and it's a privilege to be able to support this work through this funding."

Quotes attributable to Minister for Homelessness, Rose Jackson:​

​"Healthcare and housing go hand in hand. Without a safe place to live, it's incredibly difficult to maintain your physical and mental health. That's why services like Street Side Medics are so vital.

"People sleeping rough face some of the biggest barriers to basic care. This investment helps break those down - meeting people where they are with support that's mobile, respectful and grounded in dignity."

Quotes attributable to CEO Street Side Medics, Nick Brown:

"Many people are finding it difficult to make ends meet right now. Not being able to afford a GP, medications, or ongoing medical support can lead to health issues being put on the back burner, often making things worse. This financial support from the NSW Government is vital to help Street Side Medics continue to expand these much needed services and reach even more vulnerable individuals experiencing homelessness across Australia."

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