Jim Betts, who is currently Secretary of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, has been appointed to the role of Secretary of the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet, starting in October.
The appointment follows yesterday's announcement that Tim Reardon is stepping down from the role in October, when he plans to return to the private sector.
Mr Betts will be an invaluable addition to the team having held a number of senior roles across the public sector.
He brings with him a broad range of experience and expertise that make him a clear choice to lead the NSW public service.
Mr Betts joined the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment in 2019, which holds key responsibilities within the NSW Government for long-term planning, infrastructure priorities, natural resources, the environment, energy and growing the state's industries.
That followed almost six years as the Chief Executive Officer of Infrastructure NSW.
A new Secretary of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment will be announced in due course.