NSW Deploys 125 Paramedics to Enhance Rural Care

An additional 125 paramedics will begin working across regional NSW within the next few months, further strengthening emergency healthcare services in rural communities.

This workforce expansion is part of the Minns Labor Government's commitment to deliver 500 additional paramedics to regional and rural areas, ensuring these communities continue to receive timely and high-quality emergency medical care.

These 125 paramedics are the second group to join NSW Ambulance as part of the regional 500, with 125 paramedics starting work in regional NSW last year.

Additional paramedics have joined existing NSW Ambulance teams at the following locations:

  • Albury
  • Dubbo
  • Orange
  • Wagga Wagga
  • Yamba

NSW Ambulance is continuing consultation with staff and the Health Services Union to finalise the proposal for additional paramedics at the following locations:

  • Young
  • Deniliquin
  • Moree
  • Blayney
  • Tamworth South
  • Temora

This workforce boost is part of the Strategic Workforce and Infrastructure Team (SWIFT) Program, which is delivering 2,500 staff across NSW, including 500 paramedics for regional and rural areas, as well as 30 new stations to boost emergency and mobile healthcare for our metropolitan and regional communities.

The additional paramedics will optimise response times and patient outcomes as well as provide essential support to existing paramedics who continue to provide world-class emergency and mobile healthcare across regional NSW.

The Minns Labor Government will continue to roll out the additional 500 paramedics over a four-year period, with future locations determined through NSW Ambulance's evidence based, best practice service and workforce planning as well as consultation with staff and Health Services Union.

In 2024, the Minns Labor Government announced Port Macquarie, South West Rocks, Lismore, Goulburn, Bathurst, Blayney, Lithgow, Mudgee, Parkes, Broken Hill and Ballina had received additional paramedics in the first tranche of the program to rollout 500 additional paramedics to the bush.

Further to the investment in staffing, the Minns Labor Government is investing $10 million into health worker housing for paramedics in regional NSW as part of the $200.1 million Key Health Worker Accommodation program.

It is estimated the four-year Program will support the recruitment and retention of more than 500 health workers and their families by providing a range of accommodation options.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Regional Health, Ryan Park:

"We promised the people of regional, rural and remote NSW we'd deliver them 500 new paramedics, and I am really proud that the second cohort is about to hit the road and take up new roles in the bush.

"These highly skilled paramedics will help drive better health outcomes for patients and their families, ensuring regional communities receive the same high-quality care as metropolitan areas.

"We are committed to investing in our frontline healthcare workforce to support our paramedics and provide better emergency services to the people of NSW."

Quotes attributable to NSW Ambulance Chief Executive Dr Dominic Morgan:

"This significant workforce increase is a major step forward in strengthening emergency care in regional NSW.

"Our paramedics are highly trained professionals dedicated to serving their communities, and this expansion will provide much-needed relief and support to our existing teams.

"As demand for services continues to grow, we remain focused on delivering exceptional emergency and mobile healthcare across NSW."​

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