Applications for the 2023 Anzac Memorial Veteran Artist in Residence open today, offering a contemporary veteran or group the opportunity to engage with the Anzac Memorial and the broader community through art.
Minister for Veterans David Harris said it's only the second time the program had been offered and provides veterans with an opportunity to share their lived experiences through art with the wider community.
"The Anzac Memorial is a physical expression of the spirit and legend of the Anzac. A place for the veteran community to come together and reflect on service and sacrifice, and to share their knowledge and experience with us.
"The Veteran Artist in Residence creates opportunities for experienced emerging contemporary service personnel and veteran artists to engage with the Anzac Memorial, its architecture, history and collection in pursuit of their artistic dreams."
The program recognises the skills associated with artistic practices such as collaboration, self-discipline, innovation and creative thinking, as well as the positive impact on health and wellbeing and connectivity. It allows a veteran artist, through their chosen medium, to share their experiences and stories with the community, and supports the Memorial's intent as an active space for veterans and their families. The program won the Innovation and Resilience Award at Museum and Galleries NSW's IMAGinE Awards 2022.
The inaugural Veteran Artist in Residence, Cory Rinaldi, is an Army veteran of Malaysia, East Timor and Iraq. During his residency, he painted a series of works exploring the Memorial's architecture and his experience of military service. His residency culminated in an exhibition of 18 paintings.
"The residency at the Memorial enabled me to heal. It gave me purpose again and once more made me feel part of a team since leaving the military," Mr Rinaldi said.
"It also challenged my artistic parameters and encouraged me to paint outside of my comfort zone. For someone who suffers from PTSD, that's a big deal."
A grant of $5000 is attached to the residency to assist a guest veteran artist (or group) to develop their work.
For more information, visit the Anzac Memorial Veteran Artist in Residence website.