NSW Honors Southern's Exceptional Midwives and Nurses

​​​​The professionalism, dedication and compassion of nurses and midwives across southern NSW was
recognised this week, as part of local celebrations for International Day of the Midwife (5 May 2024)
and International Nurses Day (12 May 2024).
Minister for Regional Health Ryan Park said the District's 1200-strong nursing and midwifery
workforce is at the heart of healthcare delivery in the region, providing acute, preventative, primary
and community care.
"I extend my deepest gratitude and appreciation for the exceptional care, dedication and
commitment to service that nurses and midwives in Southern NSW Local Health District exhibit
every day within our health facilities and community settings," Minister Park said.
"Our nurses and midwives provide high quality, compassionate care to patients and their families,
often during some of the most challenging times of their lives."
As part of the celebrations, Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Health Dr Michael Holland also
announced the winners of Southern's 2024 Nursing and Midwifery Awards.
"I extend my congratulations to SNSWLHD's Nurse of the Year Ms Rochelle Woolf and our Midwife
of the Year Ms Sonia White," Dr Holland said.
"In her role as Nursing Unit Manager of the Perioperative Unit at Cooma Hospital, Ms Woolf has
proven to be a passionate patient advocate and is well known for fostering feedback and
empowering her staff to deliver a seamless experience for all those in their care.
"In her role as a Midwifery Unit Manager at South East Regional Hospital in Bega, Ms White has held
a strong focus on improving clinical practice and systems that impact a woman's experience and has
worked tirelessly this year to implement the new Midwifery Group Practice model of care at South
East Regional Hospital."
Ms Woolf and Ms White are also nominated in the 2024 NSW Health Excellence in Nursing and
Midwifery Awards, which will be held in Sydney later this year.

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