Construction works will soon commence on the new Canowindra HealthOne facility, which will significantly improve the community's access to care.
Regional Health Minister Ryan Park said the final planning stages are underway for the facility which will bring a range of health care services together in one location.
This follows the allocation of an additional $2.3 million for the project in the 2023-24 NSW Budget, bringing the total investment to $8.3 million.
"The new Canowindra HealthOne facility will accommodate a range of providers including local General Practitioners (GPs) and community healthcare services, in many ways creating a one-stop shop for the community's health and wellbeing needs," Mr Park said.
"The new facility will be on the existing hospital site improving continuity of care by creating a more seamless experience as people move between hospital, primary care, and community settings.
"Importantly, the new facility will also have scope for expansion, which will create attractive opportunities for health professionals and help to maintain high-quality, sustainable health services for the community."
Jeff Morrissey, Western NSW Local Health District Director of Corporate Services, said the District's project team has commenced preparations for early works to begin on the site.
"The community can expect to see the HealthOne progress quickly now as we move through the final planning and design stages. Work will begin early next year to remove the existing site dwellings and prepare for construction of the new HealthOne," Mr Morrisey said.
"Over the coming months we will be working with staff, key stakeholders and the community to ensure the new HealthOne meets the needs of the people who will use it, and there will be opportunities to be involved throughout the final design processes."
Matt McGrath, Canowindra Health Service Manager, said the HealthOne redevelopment will further improve health services in Canowindra, following the complete refurbishment of the hospital's palliative care space, which was completed in August.
"The refurbished palliative care space at the hospital is already helping to keep patients and families as comfortable as they can be while they receive care," Mr McGrath said.
"The new palliative care space helps create a more home-like environment and provides dignity, respect and a comforting experience for patients receiving end-of-life or palliative care, as well as their families and carers."
Member for Orange Phil Donato welcomed improved access to healthcare in Canowindra.
"Along with the local community, I welcome the commencement of this important new health facility," Mr Donato said.
"The synergy of multiple health services working from the one site will provide more of a seamless medical service for the community of Canowindra, with increased potential for improved healthcare delivery and outcomes."