NSW Nationals Confirm Candidate For Port Macquarie

NSW Nationals

Pat Conaghan MP, Gurmesh Singh MP, Dugald Saunders MP, Dr Warwick Yonge, Dr David Gillespie MP, Alison Penfold – Nationals' candidate for Lyne

The NSW Nationals have officially endorsed Dr Warwick Yonge as its candidate for the upcoming Port Macquarie by-election.

Dr Yonge is a trusted general practitioner who is focussed on serving his community.

He has spent a large part of his career in regional parts of the country including as an emergency retrieval doctor for the Royal Flying Doctor Service, as well as a GP on South Australia's Pitjantjatjara/Yankunytjatjara lands, Barkly cattle stations, Uluru, and remote Aboriginal communities in the top end.

Dr Yonge has been working as a GP in Port Macquarie since 2014 and understands the challenges faced by people across the region when it comes to accessing the healthcare they need and deserve.

His 24 years of experience working in health will help inform the best ways to manage the increase in demand and ongoing challenges our healthcare system is facing.

He will also work tirelessly to be a voice for the region on the other key issues facing residents right now, including regional crime, demand for housing, and the traffic improvements needed for a booming city and region.

Since its inception in 1988, the electorate has been represented by Nationals MPs between 1988-2002 and 2011-2020 and we would like to continue that long and proud history.

The NSW Nationals always fight for the best interests of the regions and Port Macquarie remains a crucial part of that.

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