NSW Opens New Housing to Attract Kyogle Paramedics

The communities of Kyogle will benefit from new Key Health Worker Accommodation which will help attract more paramedics to the bush.

This accommodation for Kyogle is part of the Minns Labor Government's $10 million investment in key health worker housing for paramedics in regional NSW. Additional locations selected on greatest need are being finalised and will be announced in due course.

The $10 million for housing NSW Ambulance personnel is allocated from the Minns Labor Government's $200.1 million Key Health Worker Accommodation program which was announced in the 2024/2025 State budget.

The $200.1 million program supports more than 20 projects across rural, regional and remote NSW.

The funding will secure approximately 120 dwellings across regional NSW, which includes the building of new accommodation, refurbishment of existing living quarters and the purchase of suitable properties such as residential units.

It is estimated the four-year program will support the recruitment and retention of more than 500 health workers and their families by providing a range of accommodation options.

The program is one of a number of investments the Minns Labor Government is making to strengthen the regional, rural and remote health workforce and builds on the success of the NSW Government's $73.2 million investment in key health worker accommodation across five regional local health districts (Far West, Murrumbidgee, Southern NSW, Hunter New England and Western NSW).

The Minns Labor Government is committed to supporting our paramedic workforce, investing in a record pay increase for paramedics in December 2023, making them among the highest paid in the country and rolling out 500 additional paramedics in regional, rural and remote communities.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Regional Health, Ryan Park:

"The Minns Labor Government is committed to investing in modern, sustainable accommodation options for key health workers who are the backbone of our regional, rural and remote communities.

"We're committed to strengthening our regional, rural and remote ambulance workforce.

"The provision of simple accommodation close to work is a major drawcard for healthcare workers potentially looking to take up work in the regions."

Quote attributable to Minister for the North Coast, Janelle Saffin:

"Local people in Kyogle and surrounding towns and villages have a great need for paramedic care due to the simple fact that they live in rural communities and some isolated locations.

"I welcome this targeted funding which is aimed at attracting and retaining more paramedics to Kyogle in the future, noting that planning for what type of housing is already underway."

Quotes attributable to Chief Executive NSW Ambulance, Dr Dominic Morgan:

"Our paramedics are the foundation of emergency health care in regional NSW, delivering lifesaving support wherever it's needed.

"NSW Ambulance is unwavering in its commitment to regional areas like Kyogle ensuring communities receive expert health care when they need it most."

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