NSW Police Receive Custom Armoured Vehicles


The NSW Government is today launching five new Tactical Armoured Vehicles, which will significantly strengthen the capability of the NSW Police Force (NSWPF) to respond to high-risk, tactical and counter-terrorism situations.

The armoured Lenco 'Bearcat' vehicles were custom designed and custom built for the specific needs of the NSWPF - at a total cost of $3.5 million.

All five Bearcats will be strategically positioned across NSW to support the work of Tactical Police and Police Negotiaters.

Key features include ballistically rated steel and glass with riot shield covers, rotating roof hatches, spotlights, external speakers, high-tech camera systems and advanced technical and communication capabilities.

In an Australian first, one of the new Bearcats is equipped with an extendable ramp to allow police to quickly and safely access multi-storey buildings and aircraft. This vehicle will be stationed in Sydney, the other four vehicles will be stationed in northern, western and southern regions - allowing the Tactical Operation Unit and Tactical Operations Regional Squads to quickly respond to high-risk situations.

The five new Bearcats bring the total number of specialised armoured vehicles in NSW to six and will further allow officers to swiftly and effectively respond to high-risk and counter-terrorism situations, ensuring the safety of the people of NSW.

Minister for Police and Counter-terrorism, Yasmin Catley said:

"These custom vehicles will greatly improve the capability of the Tactical Operations Unit to respond to and disrupt high-risk situations across the state.

"The NSW Police Force is world class so it's only fitting it has modern resources and technology to fight crime and keep our community safe.

"Only a Labor Government backs our hardworking police 100% and ensures they have the capability they need."

NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb APM said:

"These vehicles are deployed by the Tactical Operation Unit during high-risk situations.

"This is about protecting our specialist officers.

"All of these vehicles are bullet and blast resistant and have the capacity to transport hostages or injured personnel."

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