NSW Police Seek Dashcam Footage After Fatal Wakeley Crash

Police investigating a fatal crash in Sydney's south-west overnight are appealing for witnesses and dashcam footage.

Emergency services were called to Canley Vale Road, Wakeley, about 5.50pm yesterday (Wednesday 26 June 2024), after a ute and a mobility scooter collided.

Officers attached to the Fairfield City Police Area Command attended the scene and found a 90-year-old man being assisted by members of the public.

The man was treated at the scene by NSW Ambulance paramedics, before he was taken to Liverpool Hospital.

Police were advised about 6.20am today (Thursday 27 June 2024), the man had died in hospital.

The 50-year-old driver of the Toyota Hilux was taken to Liverpool Hospital for mandatory testing and is assisting police.

As inquiries continue, police are appealing for anyone who witnessed the incident or who has dashcam vision relevant to the investigation, to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

A report will be prepared for the information of the coroner.

Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or https://nsw.crimestoppers.com.au. Information is treated in strict confidence. The public is reminded not to report information via NSW Police social media pages.

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