The FY24 NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) Annual Report has revealed a 14.5 per cent decrease in complaints to the tribunal over the past 12 months.
The complaints made to the tribunal - which hears and decides civil and administrative cases in NSW - only accounted for 0.09 per cent of the 52,208 complaints about all housing types.
Retirement Living Council (RLC) Executive Director, Daniel Gannon, said the data highlighted increased satisfaction with the services that retirement villages offer in NSW and nationwide.

"Fewer complaints mean happier residents and better living experiences in retirement villages across NSW," Mr Gannon said.
Mr Gannon said there were just 47 complaints made from 76,000 residents in NSW retirement villages in FY24, or 0.06 per cent of all residents.
"While 47 complaints across NSW is 47 too many, such low volume shows that retirement village residents are having a positive and uplifting experience," he said.
"Occasionally, there is an inaccurate perception that some people have bad experiences in these wonderful communities. That sentiment is not backed up by data, facts or evidence.
"Given the retirement village resident population in NSW has increased by 39 per cent over the last decade, it's remarkably positive that complaints have decreased by 13 per cent over this time."
Mr Gannon also pointed to research that shows residents are healthier and happier than people who do not live in these communities.
"Residents are 41 per cent happier, 15 per cent more physically active, twice as likely to catch up with family and friends, and they experience reduced levels of loneliness and depression."
NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal applications, FY15 to FY24

NCAT Annual Reports, FY14-FY24
Resident population:
2014, National overview of the retirement village sector, Grant Thornton-Retirement Living Council
2019, Retirement villages - exit entitlements and recurrent charges cap, Kevin Anderson MP, Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation
2024, FY15-FY20 growth rate applied to determine FY24 population