NT COVID-19 Positive Case

Today a 34 year old male, who was part of the second tranche of foreign military official arrivals on an international flight to the Northern Territory on 11 January 2021, has tested positive for COVID-19. He is asymptomatic, and in line with established processes, has been moved to the care of the Royal Darwin Hospital.

This person was identified as a close contact of an individual who tested positive for COVID-19 as reported on 13 January, and was transferred from a Defence-managed quarantine facility in the Darwin CBD to the Howard Springs Quarantine Facility, following contract tracing analysis.

As a close contact, this individual was tested on Day 6 of quarantine and found to be COVID-19 positive. Aside from the three positive cases, all other officials on the flight were also tested on Day 6 of quarantine and have returned negative tests.

In addition to this, a 33 year old female who arrived on the repatriation flight from London on 16 January 2021 has also tested positive for COVID-19. The woman is asymptomatic and is under the care of the AUSMAT team at the NT Centre for National Resilience.

Since repatriation flights to the Northern Territory began on 23 October 2020:

  • 2696 international arrivals have undertaken quarantine at the Howard Springs Centre for National Resilience
  • A total of 58 positive COVID-19 cases have been reported from the Howard Springs Centre for National Resilience.

The total number of cases diagnosed in the Northern Territory is 96. All cases have been related to international or interstate travel, with no cases of community transmission.

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