The Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority (NT EPA) is an independent statutory authority and is currently assessing the environmental impacts of the Darwin Processing Facility proposed by TNG Limited at Middle Arm.
The proposal is being assessed under the Environmental Assessment Act 1982 (EA Act).
Transitional arrangements under the Environment Protection Act 2019 (EP Act) also apply.
The NT EPA's assessment must also satisfy the Australian Government by addressing matters protected under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
On Thursday 20 May 2021, the NT EPA gave TNG Limited a Direction to Provide Additional Information considered necessary to enable the NT EPA to fully assess the potential impacts of the proposed Darwin Processing Facility and provide advice to the Minister for Environment on its environmental acceptability.
Notably, TNG has been directed to revise its air quality modelling, as the proposal will emit pollutants to Darwin's airshed in proximity to the NT's largest population centre, with the potential to cumulatively exceed national air quality standards established to protect human health.
TNG Limited made an ASX announcement yesterday, 27 May 2021, providing an update in relation to the NT EPA's direction. The NT EPA is of the view that the ASX Announcement does not accurately reflect its direction, and that it contains statements that are incorrect and potentially misleading.
NT EPA Chairperson, Dr Paul Vogel, said that all requested items were either previously requested by the NT EPA but not sufficiently addressed in the Supplement; relate to potentially significant impacts resulting from changes to the proposal notified in the Supplement; or are required to address submissions received on the Supplement.
The NT EPA is required to undertake its assessment of the proposal in accordance with both the EA Act and the EP Act.
The NT EPA will continue to provide timely and transparent advice to the Minister for Environment about the potentially significant environmental impacts of development proposals, based on sound science and evidence, to meet its objectives and promote the ecologically sustainable development of the Northern Territory.