NZ, India Boost Forestry Partnership

  • Hon Todd McClay

Agriculture and Trade Minister Todd McClay signed a new Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) today during the Prime Minister's Indian Trade Mission, reinforcing New Zealand's commitment to enhancing collaboration with India in the forestry sector.

"Our relationship with India is a key priority for New Zealand, and this agreement reflects our commitment to deepening this strategic partnership," Mr McClay said.

The MOC includes the development of bilateral forestry cooperation to continue mutual growth. New Zealand's forestry exports to India have increased from $9.5 million in 2023 to an estimated $76.5 million in 2024.

"Many of our forestry exporters have long-standing relationships in India and are keen to expand. This agreement will lay the groundwork for cooperation in sustainable forest management, agroforestry, research and innovation, education, and capacity building," Mr McClay explained.

These arrangements are part of New Zealand's broader strategy to double the value of its exports in the next decade, with strong partnerships like this one playing a vital role.

"The agreements signed today reflect the strong foundation of our trade relations with India and the exciting opportunities that lie ahead," Mr McClay concluded.

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