NZ Police Get Whiff Of Dodgy Deal

A member of the public's spidy senses and an officer's keen sense of smell has assisted Police in locating more than 70 bags of drugs inside a car in Beachlands overnight.

At about 2.20am, Police received a report of a suspicious vehicle parked on Wakelin Road with the engine running.

Counties Manukau East Area Prevention Manager, Inspector Rakana Cook, says Police arrived quickly and spoke to a man who was sitting in the vehicle passengers' seat believed to be under the influence of drugs.

"Upon seeing Police, the man has attempted to get into he driver's seat and drive off, however he was quickly taken into custody.

"Officers noticed a strong smell of cannabis coming from the vehicle and a search of the vehicle located a large quantity of cannabis."

Inspector Cook says more than 44 bags of cannabis were found, along with 30 bags of what appeared to be cocaine and MDMA.

"Also found was an air rifle, cash and what appears to be stolen property.

"It was also established this person has numerous warrants for his arrest.

"We're very happy to have what appears to be a considerable amount of cannabis and other drugs that were set for sale now off the streets.

"This was a good example of proactive Police work that has resulted in a safer community."

A 20-year-old man will appear in Manukau District Court today charged with possession for supply of cannabis, cocaine and ecstasy, possession of utensils for cannabis and two counts of failing to carry out obligations in relation to a computer search.

/NZ Police Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.