NZ Police Lay Charges After Hunting Incident, Whakatane

One person has been arrested after the death of a man following a hunting incident in Minginui, Whakatane last week.

Police were notified at about 2am on Friday 21 March of a sudden death following a hunting incident.

Police can confirm the man who died was 72-year-old Stuart Maxwell Stobie, from Kawerau.

Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this difficult time.

A 46-year-old man is due to appear in the Rotorua District Court today, charged with manslaughter, unlawful hunting and unlawful possession of a firearm.

Mr Stobie's death has been referred to the Coroner.

/NZ Police Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.