NZ Police Renew Appeal for Mairehau Homicide Info

The homicide investigation in Mairehau is continuing, as investigators work to establish the circumstances leading up the death of Tyrone Munns.

On Sunday at around 9.15pm, emergency services were called to an address on Innes Road whereTyrone was located with critical injuries. Sadly, despite urgent treatment, he died at the scene.

The scene examination is due to be completed today and will be released by Police later this afternoon.

We would like to thank the large group of people who have spoke with Police and we are following lines of enquiry established from this information.

Police continues our appeal for anyone who may have heard or seen anything suspicious on Innes Road between 8pm and 9.15pm on Sunday 9 March to please contact us.

/NZ Police Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.