- Hon Todd McClay
Trade Minister Todd McClay travels to Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates for the 13th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) today, to take up his role as Vice Chair of the negotiations.
The Ministerial Conference is the highest decision-making body within the WTO and meets every two years. Trade ministers will negotiate the reform of agriculture trade rules, E-commerce, fisheries subsidies, and the dispute settlement resolution system during the conference, which runs from 26-29 February.
"As a small trading nation, New Zealand relies on the rules-based system to deliver for our exporters," Mr McClay says.
"Against global economic challenges, New Zealand will be looking to influence outcomes that can enhance global food security and make progress on distortionary subsidies delivering for New Zealand exporters."
This year, Mr McClay is also Facilitator of the WTO's Work Programme on E-commerce.
"I'm honoured to accept this role and will be working hard with all WTO members to achieve a positive outcome across the range of issues in play at MC13. New Zealand remains committed to strengthening the role of the multilateral rules-based trading system in the global digital economy," Mr McClay says.
While at the WTO Minister McClay will hold around 20 bilateral and country specific meetings including with China, the European Union, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
"A well-functioning WTO system means greater opportunities and more fairness for Kiwi exporters."