OAS General Secretariat Marks World Water Day 2025


Glaciers: Sources of Life and Sustainability for the Americas

Glaciers are much more than masses of ice on the summits of our region: they are essential sources of water, energy, and biodiversity, guaranteeing the livelihood of millions of people in the Americas. However, climate change is accelerating their retreat at an unprecedented rate, compromising water security, socioeconomic development, and the stability of ecosystems that depend on them. On this World Water Day 2025, the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS) makes an urgent call to action to strengthen glacier conservation and ensure a sustainable future for present and future generations.

For more than seventy years, the OAS has collaborated with member states to promote policies, strategies, and projects that ensure equitable and sustainable water management. Through transboundary initiatives, we have promoted cooperation between countries that share strategic ecosystems, including those where glaciers play a key role in water regulation. The accelerated loss of glaciers in the Andes and other mountainous regions in the Americas threatens the availability of drinking water, agricultural production, and clean energy generation. Communities that depend on these ecosystems are seeing their resilience to natural hazards, livelihoods, and social well-being affected. Women, indigenous peoples, and rural communities, who have historically been key players in water management, are facing even greater challenges due to the shrinking glaciers. In response, the OAS has promoted technical and high-level dialogues on deglaciation and has promoted publications proposing solutions.

To respond to this crisis, it is essential to strengthen climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies in the region. Water management must be based on science and solid data that allow projecting the impact of glacier melt on water availability. The combination of gray infrastructure with nature-based solutions is key to improving the resilience of water systems. Likewise, transboundary cooperation in the conservation of mountain ecosystems is essential to ensure joint and sustainable management of shared water resources. All this must go hand in hand with greater participation of local and indigenous communities, recognizing their leadership in glacier protection and climate change adaptation.

Ensuring glacier conservation is not just an environmental issue; it is an imperative for peace, economic development, and security in our region. Therefore, the OAS General Secretariat reaffirms its commitment to work with the countries of the Americas to promote strategies to protect these essential ecosystems and foster international cooperation in water management. On this World Water Day 2025, we urge immediate action to protect glaciers and ensure water sustainability in our region. Taking care of glaciers today is ensuring water and life for tomorrow.

Reference: E-013/25

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