• Hall of the Americas, Organization of American States, and the meeting will be broadcast live - with interpretation in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese- on the OAS Website and the OAS Facebook page
When do the terms of the current Secretary General and Assistant Secretary General expire?
The term of Secretary General Luis Almagro expires on May 25, 2025. The term of Assistant Secretary General Nestor Mendez expires on July 16, 2025.
When are the elections for Secretary General and Assistant Secretary General held?
The Permanent Council of the OAS approved resolution CP/RES. 1269/24
at its meeting on December 4, 2024, which set elections for Secretary General to be held on March 10, 2025, and elections for Assistant Secretary General on May 5, 2025. Both elections will be held at special General Assemblies to be held at the Organization's headquarters in Washington, DC.
Who elects the Secretary General and the Assistant Secretary General?
The Secretary General and the Assistant Secretary General are elected by the General Assembly for a five-year term (Articles 108 and 114 of the OAS Charter). Both positions may be re-elected once for a second five-year term.
Article 108. The Secretary General of the Organization shall be elected by the General Assembly for a five-year term and may not be reelected more than once or succeeded by a person of the same nationality.
Article 114. The Assistant Secretary General shall be elected by the General Assembly for a five-year term and may not be reelected more than once or succeeded by a person of the same nationality.
What are the criteria for nominating candidates for elective positions in the Organization?
The Permanent Council through resolution CP/RES. 874 (1459/04) recommends "member states exercise due diligence, when sponsoring candidates for the positions of Secretary General and Assistant Secretary General, to ensure that the candidates meet the highest standards of personal integrity, professional ability, respect for democracy and democratic institutions, as well as for the defense and promotion of human rights".
Is there any deadline for nominating candidates for the positions of Secretary General and Assistant Secretary General?
The resolution AG/RES. 2103 (XXXV-O/05) ).acknowledges "the right of member states to present candidates for the positions of Secretary General and Assistant Secretary General up to the very day
What are the Rules of Procedures regarding the elections?
The procedures regarding the elections are established on articles 73, 74 and 75 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly.).
For the purpose of elections, the majority of the member states is 18.
To be elected, it is not enough to obtain the majority of the votes cast; rather, a candidate must obtain the vote of the majority of the member states. That is, at least 18 votes.
Article 73. Elections shall be by secret ballot except when they are by acclamation.
Article 74. In cases where only one member state or one person is to be elected, if no candidate obtains the vote of a majority of the member states on the first ballot, a second and, if necessary, a third ballot shall be taken, limited to the two candidates receiving the largest number of votes. If after the third ballot no candidate has obtained the required majority, the election shall be suspended for the period of time determined by the Assembly or, if applicable, the committee concerned. When the election is resumed, two additional ballots shall be taken. If neither of the two candidates is elected the balloting procedure established in this article shall be started again at the time indicated by the Assembly, with respect to the candidates who are presented.
Should elections be held during a regular session?
The election may be held during either a regular or special session of the General Assembly (Articles 57 and 58 of the Charter of the Organization of American States).
Article 57. The General Assembly shall convene annually during the period determined by the rules of procedure and at a place selected in accordance with the principle of rotation. At each regular session the date and place of the next regular session shall be determined, in accordance with the rules of procedure.
If for any reason the General Assembly cannot be held at the place chosen, it shall meet at the General Secretariat, unless one of the member states should make a timely offer of a site in its territory, in which case the Permanent Council of the Organization may agree that the General Assembly will meet in that place.
Article 58. In special circumstances and with the approval of two thirds of the member states, the Permanent Council shall convene a special session of the General Assembly.
Article 59. Decisions of the General Assembly shall be adopted by an absolute majority of the member states, except in cases where a two-thirds vote is required, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter, and in those cases which the General Assembly may determine by regulation.
If the office of the Secretary General becomes vacant who assumes its duties?
The Assistant Secretary General shall assume its duties until the General Assembly shall elect a new Secretary General for a full term (article 108)
If the office of the Assistant Secretary General becomes vacant, who assumes its duties?
The Permanent Council shall elect a substitute to hold that office until the General Assembly shall elect a new Assistant Secretary General for a full term (article 114)
Reference: S-002/25