October 2023 Transaction Data

Please note this data shows what HM Land Registry has been able to process during the time period covered and is not necessarily a reflection of market activity.

In September:

  • HM Land Registry completed over 1,810,650 applications to change or query the Land Register
  • the South East topped the table of regional applications with 407,718

HM Land Registry completed 1,810,655 applications in October compared with 1,730,767 in September and 1,888,991 last October 2022, of which:

  • 299,511 were applications for register updates compared with 304,718 in September
  • 1,017,051 were applications for an official copy of a register compared with 944,174 in September
  • 191,928 were search and hold queries (official searches) compared with 191,632 in September
  • 70,955 were transactions for value compared with 70,505 in September
  • 20,693 were postal applications from non-account holders compared with 18,469 in September

Applications by region and country

Region/countryAugust applicationsSeptember applicationsOctober applications
South East404,443389,691407,718
Greater London336,671330,283348,637
North West202,217196,701201,915
South West174,000165,923177,466
West Midlands155,163143,754152,380
Yorkshire and the Humber142,913137,788144,816
East Midlands131,637123,899128,543
East Anglia75,30774,62275,844
Isles of Scilly977469
England and Wales (not assigned)9394106

Top 5 local authority areas

October 2023 applications

Top 5 local authority areasOctober applications
City of Westminster27,823
North Yorkshire19,887

September 2023 applications

Top 5 local authority areasSeptember applications
City of Westminster25,416
North Yorkshire19,316

Top 5 customers

October 2023 applications

Top 5 customersOctober applications
InfoTrack Limited151,752
Orbital Witness Limited31,070
O'Neill Patient25,266

September 2023 applications

Top 5 customersSeptember applications
InfoTrack Limited143,412
Orbital Witness Limited29,027
Nationwide Building Society26,641
O'Neill Patient24,771

Access the full dataset on our Use land and property data service.

Next publication

Transaction Data is published on the 15th working day of each month. The November 2023 data will be published at 11am on Thursday 21 December 2023.

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