Officer Faces More Charges in Central Metro Region

Further charges have been laid against a police officer following an investigation into alleged possession of child abuse material.

In June 2024, officers attached to the Professional Standards Command commenced an investigation into reports an officer was allegedly in possession of child abuse material, under Strike Force Burrabirra.

Following extensive inquiries, a 26-year-old constable - attached to the Central Metropolitan Region - was charged in September 2024. He remains before the courts.

Following further inquiries, the officer was charged with a further two offences: use carriage service to access child abuse material and use carriage service – procure a person under 16 years for sexual activity.

The officer appeared before Campbelltown Local Court today (Wednesday 12 March 2025), and will reappear before the same court on Wednesday 7 May 2025.

He remains suspended without pay and his employment status is under review.

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