Official opening of Toowoomba Group State Emergency Service Headquarters

The Toowoomba Group State Emergency Service (SES) Headquarters at Charlton has been officially opened by Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) Mayor Paul Antonio.

Minister for Fire and Emergency Services and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Craig Crawford said the Queensland Government was committed to helping communities recover from natural disasters and build greater resilience for future severe weather events.

"SES volunteers play an important role helping the community to prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters," Mr Crawford said.

"They're the backbone of our communities, and we appreciate the time they take out of their busy lives to keep the community safe," he said.

Mayor Antonio said the co-location of the new SES headquarters with the Principal Depot was a great example of a partnership between levels of government.

"The co-located facility presents an opportunity for SES and Council to provide a coordinated response in an emergency," Mayor Antonio said.

"The building is also equipped with training and meeting facilities for SES personnel.

"The Queensland Government's investment in the SES headquarters has helped to stimulate the economy during such a challenging time.

"The construction industry has felt a very tangible positive impact with 49 local contractors engaged during the construction of the combined Principal Depot and SES headquarters.

"We also recognise the critical role the Depot and SES headquarters will play in supporting industrial development and economic growth within Charlton.

"Charlton is at the heart of the Toowoomba Trade Gateway, one of Queensland's leading transport, logistics and industrial hubs.

"Council's investment in the Depot will give businesses and industry the confidence to invest in the Toowoomba Trade Gateway and the wider Region."

Mayor Antonio said the Toowoomba Region had seen its fair share of natural disasters.

"In the past 12 months, we have faced drought, bushfire, minor floods and a global pandemic," Mayor Antonio said.

"We are a resilient Region, and now more than ever is a time for our community to come together to rebuild.

"The Queensland Government commitment to improving the resources available to the Region's SES can only build on our future resilience."

The SES facility was co-funded by Toowoomba Regional Council and the Queensland Government as part of the region's ongoing recovery from Severe Tropical Cyclone Debbie.

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