OIST, Partners Ink MOU for Industry-Academia Boost

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University

The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Ryuseki Co., Ltd. (President: Takehiro Nejime), the University of the Ryukyus (Ryudai), and Japan NUS Co., Ltd. (JANUS) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to promote industry-academia collaboration for the Okinawa Blue Carbon Project. This MOU outlines the following areas of cooperation:

  • Establishing a platform for researching blue carbon ecosystems across Okinawa.
  • Developing a platform for Okinawan businesses and environmental enterprises.
  • Promoting initiatives for environmental awareness and education.

Professor Timothy Ravasi, head of the Marine Climate Change Unit at OIST, shared his enthusiasm for the collaboration: "Achieving carbon neutrality is essential to mitigating the impact of climate change. In Okinawa, the preservation of its beautiful coral reefs is particularly urgent, as they play a crucial role in both the economy and culture. This MOU marks a significant step toward that goal. Through collaboration with Ryuseki and JANUS, we aim to advance environmental conservation research at OIST and Ryudai, while also fostering greater environmental awareness and education across Okinawa. We are excited to embark on this project and we take pride in contributing to the conservation of Okinawa's natural environment."

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