As I return from a drought forum with a range of Ministers and interest groups in Rockhampton, I'm reflecting on the difference that political will can make on the crucial issues affecting primary producers and community.
The Prime Minister last week advised his intent to 'accelerate Australia's transition to low emission'. It reminded me of the incredible opportunity we have around co-design, and the use of technology and innovation rather than regulation in that transition.
Why is it that the heart of regional Australia is at best getting limited access to these critical negotiations?
When consultation is done effectively, with all levels of government regardless of their political stripes, the results speak for themselves.
AgForce spent over two years doing exactly that with the Queensland Government on their 'Low Emissions Pathway'.
What started as a conversation about regulation and targets became a shared vision and focus on innovation and co-design - showing how inclusivity and listening will always beat a 'top down' approach.
No question there were some difficult moments, part of the process. But it was a credit to the Queensland Government that industry were encouraged to add substantially from the outset, were an equal in the room throughout.
We offer the same olive branch to the Prime Minister on his most recent announcement. Put us in the room as an equal and you will get a much stronger outcome.
Our Prime Minister describes his initiative as an 'opportunity for Australia to become a renewable energy superpower'. I would contend that this is about much more - it is a chance for Australia to lead across complex issues such as food security, strengthening environmental outcomes and biodiversity.
It would be our chance as a nation to excel on the world stage.
You only need to look overseas to see the substandard outcomes and detrimental impacts on food security, community strength, biodiversity, and the environment, when these issues are put in the too hard basket.
Australia's landscapes, farming systems and bioregions are unique and provide an opportunity not afforded elsewhere. Holding, valuing, and leveraging Natural Capital on property provides an important foundation for this work. has been designed by producers to do just that.
Don't sideline us Prime Minister, deal us in and let us help.