Olympic athlete Laviai Nielsen (Geography, 2018) returned to campus to deliver an inspiring talk to students, staff and alumni on how to dedicate yourself to more than one life goal as part of King's Edge Festival.

As part of the King's Edge Festival in September 2023, Olympic athlete Laviai Nielsen (Geography, 2018) returned to King's to deliver an inspiring talk to students, staff and alumni.
The King's Edge Festival took place over two weeks in September, demonstrating the support, resources and prospects available to students. This interactive event series encompassed workshops, panel discussions and networking opportunities, focusing on extracurricular activities, career development and research- and volunteering-related initiatives. These events are designed to equip students with the skills needed to shine as future innovators and community-oriented leaders.
Laviai returned to the Great Hall on 28 September 2023, where she delivered a captivating talk on how to dedicate yourself to more than one life goal.
A proud King's alumna, Laviai graduated with a degree in Geography in 2018. As a member of Great Britain's relay squad, she has won several medals from the World Athletics Championships, securing Silver in 2017 and Bronze in 2022. She also boasts two Silver medals and a Bronze from the European Athletics Championships, both indoors and outdoors.
The event served as a platform for students to glean insights into Laviai's integration of her academic pursuits and professional triumphs. Beyond her remarkable achievements post-King's, Laviai shared valuable advice on pursuing your passions. She illuminated how her time at King's significantly shaped her journey, leveraging the versatility of her degree to intertwine her love for sports.
Laviai's narrative not only highlighted the synergy between her academic and professional endeavours, but also shed light on her personal experiences at King's. The discussion showcased how she skillfully navigated the delicate balance between academic rigour and her sports career while at King's.
The event ended with an engaging Q&A session, providing students with the chance to ask Laviai questions about a range of topics, from inquiries about her workload management amidst her demanding sports career to her reflections on undergraduate life at King's, including her involvement in various societies.
Laviai's alumni guest talk was a captivating and enriching experience, offering students a profound glimpse into the intersection of passion, academia, and professional success.