One Step For Mankind, Giant Leap For Roo-ver

Humanity is returning to the moon with NASA's Project Artemis, and Australia has a role to play with a lunar rover mission (called Roo-ver) scheduled for this decade.

It is designed to demonstrate the ability to mine water ice from the moon, which future astronauts might drink and - by using solar power - split into hydrogen and oxygen, thereby making literal rocket fuel.

This new era of space will see our moon become a resupply and refuelling station for exploration of the solar system. While mining the moon may sound like science fiction it is very much science fact; new commercial space companies have already landed on the moon ahead of NASA's return.

The exploration (and exploitation) of our dearest neighbour is a race not between superpowers but start-ups.

Australia is well positioned for this new era with the techniques and technologies for accessing and using the moon's resources.

Our remotely operated resource sector, controlled from Perth, has been recognised as a globally leading capability.

At the speed of light, the moon is only a second further than the Pilbara.

The skills needed for the space sector are not too different from the needs of the economy, with vocational certificates for rocket welding less demanding than those for submarines.

The needs and lessons of a fly in, fly out workforce, from health, nutrition and fitness to mental health and routine long hours with high consequences can also be applied to missions in space.

The term "space tradies" was coined by the head of the Australian Space Agency, Enrico Palermo, to reflect the connection of our worldleading higher ed and vocational training to the final frontier, inspiring students.

While space junk crashing to Earth is a pressing and visible outcome of the industrialisation of space, extracting resources from the moon can also pose a challenge as we disturb the regolith (surface soil/dust).

This dust is typically duller, due to space-weathering, than the fresher, more reflective materials beneath, thereby changing the sunlight reflected back to Earth.

Without air to stop the dust that is kicked up, it can also travel far from the extraction point, further changing the moon's visible appearance.

This is why Swinburne is developing not just extraction and building techniques but also dust mitigation technologies to protect missions to the moon.

We are also investing in legal and ethical considerations of these activities.

Australia's extensive legislation overseeing the resource sector is well placed to ensure the mistakes of the past on Earth are not repeated on the moon. Alan Duffy is a professor of astronomy at Swinburne University of Technology, which proudly supports the Herald Sun's Future Victoria series

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