Online Accounts, Tax Return Service to Close

UK Gov

The joint online filing service will close on 31 March 2026.

Companies House and HMRC are closing the joint online filing service on 31 March 2026.

Companies have used this service to file their accounts and Company Tax Returns at the same time with Companies House and HMRC, but it will close in 12 months' time.

From 1 April 2026, companies can file their annual accounts with Companies House using third party software, our web services or paper filing. However, you will need to use software to file your Company Tax Return with HMRC.

Why the service is closing

The service is closing because it's now outdated. It no longer aligns to modern digital standards, enhanced corporation tax requirements or changes to UK company law under the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act (ECCTA).

Closing the service also reinforces the big changes taking place at Companies House, as we implement further measures set out in the ECCTA and introduce new processes such as Identity Verification (IDV) .

What you need to do

We recommend downloading and saving at least 3 years of accounts filings for your company. You will not be able to access any previous filings on this service after 1 April 2026.

Start considering your software filing options. You'll need to find a suitable software provider that can meet your filing needs for both Companies House and HMRC.

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