Online community events workshop a hit

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On 7 May, Murrindindi Shire Council held an online community workshop to discuss opportunities for running community events now and when pandemic restrictions are eased.

Over 50 people involved in running events across our Shire participated in the online session, from the safety of their own homes.

Mayor Leigh Dunscombe said it was great to see the level of interest across the Shire in thinking of new ways to run events while pandemic restrictions are in place, but also to think about what opportunities – and challenges - lie ahead for event organisers as restrictions ease.

'When the time is right, live community events will again play a big role in our Shire's recovery – both psychologically after our lockdown, and also from an economic perspective.

'But we need to identify how best to run these events after the pandemic restrictions are eased for the benefit for all. It is a safe bet that event organisers across our Shire will be keen to get postponed or cancelled events back on our calendars. While it will be great to have a flurry of activity, we need to make sure this is coordinated, so events don't end up competing with one another. Council stands ready to help organsiers to achieve this', said Cr Dunscombe.

'Of course, while restrictions will be eased over time, we will need to continue to observe any rules which limit public gatherings. However, that doesn't stop us from thinking now about how we can all work collaboratively to get their events back up and running. For Council's part, we will be working on practical suggestions and solutions to some of the key themes and concerns that emerged during the workshop, including how we can facilitate a coordinated events calendar, provide event grant and marketing support opportunities as well as providing advice and information on how to safely operate an event under restrictions.

'We know people are already getting creative in holding some events now. We have heard great ideas from our community about running events during lockdown and we know around 30% of our event organisers are thinking about or have already held an event online'.

'Council is also thinking about the online options available, and has been running a range of library programs online. And of course we are about to launch 'Dindi Live' which is a platform for hosting online performing arts events, featuring local artists and performers as well as guest performances from talent outside our region. So there are options available to us – even in lockdown,' added Cr Dunscombe.

'Finally, I'd just like to add my thanks to all of those people who create and run events in our Shire. Many of you are volunteers and you do an amazing job – and the whole community benefits from your hard work and passion for what you do.

If you missed the online meeting, but would like to learn more, please contact Council on 5772 0333 or click here to either watch a recording of the workshop or download a copy of the workshop presentation.

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